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Fabricant de produits traiteurs & snacking,
salés et sucrés surgelés
02 32 80 80 90

02 32 80 80 90

These small slices of bread, brioche, ciabatta, etc. garnished with cooked and gourmet preparations are all small appetizers to enjoy as an aperitif or starter.
All the breads are made in the integrated bakery where bakers work to offer you different breads: with seeds, country, corn, etc. The recipes for the fillings are invented and cooked on site by the cooks and caterers. What makes the difference are the expert hands that position each filling with precise gestures that make each piece a unique canapé. They can be combined on multi-bread trays with an artisanal look. Arranged on ready-to-serve trays, all you have to do is defrost them to enjoy them.
